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Public Consultation & Stakeholder Engagement

Through building relationships, taking an inclusive approach, and making it easy for people to share their voice, we help our clients create meaningful consultation and engagement with impact.

At the heart of transformative community progress is meaningful engagement, and that’s precisely where our expertise in Public Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement shines. By fostering inclusive relationships and simplifying the process for community voices to be heard, we empower our clients to craft consultations that not only resonate but also achieve real impact. Our approach ensures every stakeholder feels valued and contributes to a collective future, making every consultation a stepping stone towards communal success.

We know that the community is at the very heart of placemaking – and that’s why we go the extra mile. Our promise to clients is support that goes way beyond contractual commitments. It includes helping to nurture grass roots to transform neighbourhoods, building civic pride in communities that may feel forgotten or unheard.??

Strategic Communication Planning

We are skilled in developing communication strategies tailored to engage specific audiences. We have worked with government departments, local authorities and many private organisations conducting consultations to develop comprehensive communication plans that effectively reach and engage stakeholders.

Media Relations

If you need to engage the media, we can develop press releases, organise media briefings, and pitch stories to journalists to amplify awareness of the consultation process and encourage participation.

Digital and Social Media Engagement

Online platforms are crucial for reaching and engaging diverse audiences. We can develop digital and social media strategies to promote the consultation, encourage participation, and facilitate ongoing dialogue with stakeholders through channels such as websites, social media platforms, and online forums.

Stakeholder Relationship Management

We will help you identify key stakeholders and develop strategies for engaging with them effectively. Whether building relationships with community leaders, industry representatives, advocacy groups or other relevant stakeholders we will ensure their concerns and perspectives are considered in the consultation process.


Analysis of feedback received during the consultation and compiling key insights into comprehensive reports is an important step in the process, and can help to inform decision making processes and demonstrate transparency and accountability to stakeholders.

Public Consultation & Stakeholder Engagement Projects

​Peel L&P’s Liverpool Waters is an ambitious plan to transform 60 hectares of former dockland along the River Mersey into vibrant, sustainable, mixed use neighbourhoods for the city.

Extra MSA wanted to develop a £50m motorway service area on the M1.  We were asked to create the narrative and benefits of the proposal, then communicate them to stakeholders across Leeds, with the aim of securing a positive planning decision from Leeds City Council and then effectively communicating through the construction process. 

Eurowind is the largest producer of wind and solar energy in Denmark, specialising in the development, construction and operation of renewable energy parks. We ran a public consultation exercise for them on the development of Uisenis, a wind farm on the Isle of Lewis.