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Sectors: Housing,

Services: PR & Communications,

The client

L&Q (London and Quadrant Housing Trust) operates as one of the UK’s leading housing associations, providing affordable and quality homes while also delivering community-focused services and sustainable development projects.

The Build London Partnership (BLP), a unique collaboration between L&Q and the Greater London Authority (GLA), partners with smaller housing associations to deliver genuinely affordable homes for hard-to-reach communities. Central to its ethos is empowering and upskilling partners, overcoming organisational capacity limits, and innovatively developing on challenging sites across the capital. This approach demands sustained commitment to flexibility, continuous improvement, and scalability for a replicable and adaptable partnership model tailored to individual community needs.

The challenge

Addressing London’s housing crisis through the Build London Partnership (BLP) by elevating the BLP’s visibility and engaging stakeholders, including potential partners, to create positive community growth.

The solution

Recognising the milestone of three years in operation and working collaboratively with L&Q’s team, we marked the anniversary by producing a comprehensive report to update key stakeholders on its progress to date.

It was distributed to BLP partners and borough councillors, featured on the BLP microsite, and shared through newsletters, showcasing impactful projects and partnerships. The process involved strategic planning, stakeholder interviews, data synthesis, and content creation, resulting in an engaging report aligned with L&Q’s brand.

The impact

The BLP’s profile was raised amongst all BLP partners and councillors and also, importantly for the client, prospective partners which in turn increased its community. To gain wider exposure, the BLP report was published on the BLP microsite within the primary L&Q website, as well as broadcast to partners and friends through newsletters.