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Social believes in projects that help improve lives. So we are hugely proud to have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with TV architect George Clarke to support his campaign as he was recognised as Outstanding Campaigner of the year at this year’s UK Housing Awards.

George’s Council House Scandal campaign marked the 100th anniversary of the Addison Act which paved the way for council house building at scale.

George’s outstanding campaign work, which has resulted in over 268,000 signatures on his e-petition, calls for the Government to build council housing at scale and quality once again.

We are in the midst of a housing crisis, with more than 1 million people on council house waiting lists today.

Council House Scandal calls for a new generation of well-designed, genuinely affordable council houses for those most in need.

George calls on the Government to build 100,000 new council houses every year for the next 30 years.

The team at Social has been hugely proud to support George’s outstanding campaign work – with its website, content development and social media strategy to help amplify its rally call.

Watch his thank you speech at the #UKHA 2020s here:


It’s not too late to sign George’s petition to give your support and voice to the campaign.

Join over 260,000 signatories supporting the cause here: