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Social Invest’s Luke Cross teamed up with colleagues Andy Cameron-Smith, of Social Net Zero, and Sara Donnelly of Social Tech, to talk about the role of communications in the specialist areas of ESG, sustainability, net zero and ‘greentech’ in property.
Hosted by Paul Ungar, publisher at PlaceTech and Place North West, it was a lively conversation with a particular focus on authenticity and collaboration.


Key takeaways on ESG:

  • How you define ESG is the crucial first step. What is ESG for? Disclosure/risk management/value creation/performance/values alignment/impact
  • Credible and informed communication is a core part of the process – but comms/PR doesn’t lead the ESG process
  • It’s all about credibility: measurability, transparency, being open to challenge, facing up to the negative as well as sharing the positives
  • Get buy in from the top, engage people across the business
  • Be clear about objectives/priorities
  • Adopt a framework – design a process
  • Define the message


Please listen in below to hear from Luke and the team – and if you’d like to discuss any of these topics or see how Social can help, please contact