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Things are changing quickly in the wake of Coronavirus, and during this period of lockdown many have been forced to work outside of their usual settings and set up camp at home. With children running riot and our pets reminding us who’s boss, daily life is becoming a struggle for many and it can be challenging to keep that creative fire in your belly going. But don’t worry, we’ve compiled our top tips to keep those creative juices flowing during lockdown.

Create inspiring moodboards and industry research

Design inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes, but during lockdown we may find ourselves limited to our screens. This is a great time to research online to find inspiration and pick up useful tips. As a designer I’ll certainly be checking out Behance, Dribble and Instagram as well as casting my eye over some of the latest works from top agencies in the UK and abroad.

Whilst at home, you might find your new box-sized office space a little soulless; check out Pinterest for some great ideas to revamp your home and create new and exciting spaces. Remember to save all your inspiration in one place and create visually inspiring moodboards.

Creative briefs

Nothing sparks the imagination like a creative brief – and as you may be experiencing increased downtime, this could be a great opportunity to start something new. There’s plenty to choose from at Briefbox with a range of difficulties, from full logo and branding challenges to quick fire fun. Also, why not try One Minute Briefs – these are really popular and fun, and you can even challenge your work colleagues to get their creative fix.

Pick up a book

Take a break from the screen and immerse yourself in a book. It’s been a while since I’ve picked up my old design books but one of my favourites is A Smile in the Mind, it’s a great read with plenty of witty and playful ideas.

Paint, draw and go abstract

My interest in design emanated from a passion to paint and draw. Last year I was given some watercolour paints as a gift and these have yet to be opened, it’s definitely time to get these out and have some fun. Don’t worry if you’re no Van Gogh – go abstract, play with colours and who knows you might produce something special; the kids may even put it on the fridge.

Involve the family

With home schooling becoming the norm, parents are coming up with inventive ways to keep their children entertained. Make sure you’re involved in activities and enjoy the time together. Challenge the children and yourself to think outside the box. Pull out the Lego and use your imagination to build something together or create some inspiring and positive drawings to send to family members you might not have seen in a while.


It’s really important to keep that human connection and communicate with your colleagues as well as family and friends. Inspire others by sharing your creative ideas, maybe show and tell with your team at work. At Social we have constantly tried to find new ways of engaging with the whole team and bringing everyone together; from egg decorating at Easter, virtual bake–offs and weekly quizzes, these activities have made us all feel closer during this difficult period of isolation.


Use this time to improve your skillset. There’s plenty of online courses available, and a site I find useful is Udemy. There are thousands of online courses from design, web development and marketing to lifestyle, music and photography – there’s something for everyone.


On the subject of training, with everybody staying at home webinars have become a much more widely-used form of communication and learning. As opposed to reading a guide or watching a video tutorial, a webinar is a great way to learn, as the audience can interact directly with the presenter by submitting questions and comments. Here at Social we’ve been able to carry on delivering effective and engaging workshops for our clients by using the Livestorm platform.

Have a look around and see if anyone’s presenting a webinar on a subject you might be interested in – you’ll be surprised at what an enjoyable “classroom” they can be!

Try something new

Why not step out of your comfort zone and try something different? Find something you have always wanted to try or has interested you. I love to cook and have always wanted to improve my culinary skills – if you’re like me, try challenging yourself to create more complex dishes and up your home-cooking game.

As we’re spending so many continuous hours inside, it is vital we find ways to keep fit and get regular exercise and this could be your chance to try a new course. There’s lots of online fitness classes, why not have a go at yoga, a HIIT workout, or download a fitness app and go at your own pace. You may find something you like that you can continue post-lockdown.

Take a break

Don’t be afraid to use this time to switch off a little. Rest your body and mind, and focus on your wellbeing. Just remember not to take too much time off – set a goal to get back to it and stick to it. It can be very easy to watch the weeks go by glued to the latest Netflix series, but try to pace yourself – you’ve got plenty of time to watch so no need to binge. Too much screen time is never good!

How about you?

We’d love to hear from you about the ways you’re keeping the creative fire burning during this time – get in touch with us on Twitter @LifeatSOCIAL and let us know your tips and/or show us your work!